“The postulancy is the first period of initiation when one makes the choice to adopt our life. During this period, the postulant comes to know our life and makes a further and more careful discernment of this vocation.” (Capuchin Constitutions, Chapter II, art. IV.30)
This is usually a period of one year in which the Postulant lives with the friars, participating in our life of prayer, fraternity, and ministry. Internal classes during the week help to nurture his spiritual life, his knowledge of the faith, and his acquaintance with the Capuchin charism and way of life. When a candidate applies to the Postulancy program, he is not yet making a lifelong commitment. The purpose of Postulancy is to help the postulant and the formation team discern if the Lord is calling him to live Capuchin life. Our Postulancy Program is run in collaboration with three other provinces in Milwaukee, WI.