4 of our Postulants headed to Milwaukee, WI to begin their postulancy year, the first year of formation. Pray for them as they begin this year of discernment!
(Pictured here with Brothers CJ and Franco)
John 1:38-39 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him.
Last weekend, our brothers Francisco, Yovani, Baltazar, and Franco attended the Eucharistic Congress in N.C., where they were able to share about our ministry and Capuchin life, as well as to promote vocations. There were moments of adoration, talks both in English and Spanish, confessions available and a public procession of the different parishes of the Diocese of Charlotte.
Our brother, Samuel, received the clothes of probation today, and officially began his Novitiate year. May this year be full of God's blessings for him and his class!
Our Brothers Franco and CJ attended the Steubenville Florida conference, where 1400 high schoolers gathered together for a weekend of talks, games, and Eucharistic Adoration.
Our brothers Brian and Franco attended the 2023 Florida Eucharist Congress in the diocese of St. Augustine. The local Bishop, the Most Reverend Erik T. Pohlmeier was the main celebrant and speaker of the congress. Bishop Emeritus Felipe Estévez, S.T.D., and other clergy gave talks about the fundamental place the Eucharist should have in the life of every Catholic.
We hosted a 'Come and See' weekend at our friary in Wilmington, Delaware. We were blessed to have five candidates join us for a weekend filled with prayer, fraternal time and a visit to our Capuchin Poor Clare nuns.
Brothers Brian, CJ, and Franco attended a workshop in Graymoor, NY, in which members of the entire Franciscan family came together for a wonderful talk by Fr. John Quigley, OFM.
The Province hosted a "Come and See" discernment weekend at St. Francis Friary in Wilmington, Delaware. The three candidates heard talks about our history as Capuchins, Padre Pio, and our province's ministries, and they met our Poor Clare Capuchin Sisters.