On May 23, 2010 the parish of Our
Lady of Consolation in Charlotte, NC
celebrated Pentecost at Consolation
with an international festival. Lively
dance and music and a parade of
flags was part our 11:00 Mass followed
by a spread of food representing the
many countries represented at
Consolation, mostly from Africa.
Those who brought food for the
celebration were from Togo, Congo,
Nigeria, Liberia, Zambia, Trinidad,
Grenada, Haiti, Senegal, Puerto Rico,
Panama, Ireland and of course the
United States. What a wonderful
spread of food and togetherness. The
day before, St. Thomas Aquinas
celebrated their international day with
over 30 countries represented. The
day included food, flags dance and
music and a beautiful spirit of unity
amidst diversity. Both celebrations
brought the communities together.