Our beloved St. Padre Pio offered wise counsel for virtually every aspect of our lives here on earth.
Now as we prepare for the joyful holiday of Thanksgiving, what better words to guide us than these quoted below: "Lift up your spirit and love God."
The gratitude inspired in us by this favorite American holiday is the very same Padre Pio was speaking of.
As we join with our families for this feast of giving thanks to God, let us join together in prayer. Dear Friend, we invite you to join spiritually with us in celebration of the Eucharist.
Please send us your prayer requests so we may include them in a special Novena of Masses. In our seasonal Novena, beginning on November 25th, we will petition St. Pio for his intercession in Heaven.
And, if possible, I ask you to make a donation in support of all our work among the poor.
"Do not worry over things that generate preoccupation, derangement and anxiety. One thing is necessary: to lift up your spirit and love God." ---- St. Padre Pio
If you can, please send a donation today to help us feed the poor this Thanksgiving. You will be helping to offer festive dinners to people in great need.
Peace & Blessings,
Fr. Robert Williams, OFM Cap.
Provincial Minister
P.S. Please help us offer hope and nourishment to homeless people this Thanksgiving. Your generosity can go far this season, and I know it will not go unnoticed in Heaven. May God bless you!