In the Gospel for this fourth Sunday of Lent, Jesus reminds us that He came into the world not to condemn us but to save, bringing everlasting life for whoever believes in him and in the One who sent him. He came to help us understand God and who He really is. God’s love has been proclaimed so frequently through the mouths of the God’s prophets and messengers that it almost sounds repetitive, but we often forget that He never grows weary of that moment when we finally accept that transforming love that will make us turn to him wholeheartedly.
Jesus also tells us about the importance of walking in the light, in other words, to be truthful and coherent with our lives, with our actions. He himself has said: “ for everyone who does wicked things hates the light… so that his works might not be exposed” (Jn 3: 20). One of the fruits of walking in the truth is the peace of mind it brings with it, and knowing that this journey will lead us for sure to God, despite the difficulties and doubts we may face in our lives.