Our Brothers Tobias, Abel, and Francisco are officially welcomed to the Diocese of Orlando, for our new friary in Kissimmee, Florida. Click here to read the article posted by the diocese.
4 of our Postulants headed to Milwaukee, WI to begin their postulancy year, the first year of formation. Pray for them as they begin this year of discernment!
(Pictured here with Brothers CJ and Franco)
Our Church of St. Ann in Hoboken, NJ celebrated it's 114th St. Ann Festival this year. This festival is full of food, fun, and prayer, with many coming from all over the country to partake. Click to see pictures of the Feast.
As we are about to celebrate our first anniversary with our food truck, serving our brothers and sisters who live on the streets in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, we want to share with you a little of what we do and thank you for all your support in carrying out this ministry that feeds so many hungry people. God bless you. Peace and Good
John 1:38-39 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him.
Our Brothers attended Seek2024 in St. Louis, MO this week. 25,000 people were in attendance for 4 days of prayer, talks, and exploration of religious life.
Our Advent Day of Recollection for 2023. The program included a reflection by Fr. John Gordon from the Archdiocese of Newark, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, time for personal prayer, and fraternal gathering.
This December is the 800th anniversary of St Francis creating a Living Nativity Scene in the small Italian village of Greccio, to bring Bethlehem close to those who would never have the chance to be in the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
Men and women in formation from various Franciscan communities gathered together in Greymoor NY for a four day seminar about Synodality and Franciscanism. Bishop John Stowe OFM Conv., from the diocese of Lexington, KY gave the talks for this seminar.
Last Friday our brothers Yovani and Franco visited the group AVIVA at the Mission of Our Lady of the Americas in Atlanta, Georgia. They shared their vocation stories with the members of the youth group, and answered some questions about vocations, discernment and our Capuchin way of life.